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Can I Get Cash Back at Stop and Go Toledo


  • #6

To hell with that. I've got 16 years to stop 9/11. Have to figure out how to kill Omar Bayoumi at the University of San Diego in 1994 and then Mohammed Atta in Florida in 1998.

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  • #13

Let's look at the potential upside...

Probably get 5 titles from him, at least. That's 11 total. Minimum.

Laettner and The Shot never happens.

Yes, he's an asshole, but he would've been our asshole. Most people thought Cal was slimy when we hired him.

The potential finger in the eye of ESPN year to year would have been glorious.

Cal gets hired by Duke in 2010 and we proceed to own his ass, repeatedly.


  • #21

I send the house. UK wins 5 titles and takes over the all time titles lead. K uses his ESPN connections to promote UK like nobody ever has before and makes us the IT school for decades to come. Cal comes in and uses previous goodwill made by K and turns us into the NBA factory. Now, UK recruits itself and the next coach walks into a utopia.

  • #22

Good afternoon,
Do you think if UK had made an offer to coach K do you think he would have considered and/or accepted? At that time I recall the two biggest conferences were the ACC & Big East.. Would he have left the ACC for UK even with our tradition? Moreover, he was a student of Bob Knight. I would think he'd have sought Knight's counsel (if not blessing). Curious if you think Bob Knight would have slandered UK to the point of making the job sound profoundly less appealing or even guilt tripped coach K (as I can see that asshat Knight trying to manipulate him) into to not considering an offer?

Knight was a Rupp fan and grew up watching UK as a kid in ohio.

  • #23

If not for some of the smug shit he's done in the last 5-8 years.. maybe. But its clear that he has an ego.. and idk if that meshes with a prexisiting powerhouse basketball program.. as opposed to being at Duke where he IS that program.

But imagine his cheating ways, the NCAA protection partnered with the Kentucky name? Lol.

  • #28

If we are going to turn back the clock, I'd do it to 1997 instead of 1985.

I would rather have kept Pitino.

I would prefer to have rolled the dice with 20+ more years of Pitino than have anything to do with K.

Guy was running wild in mid/late 90's.

I don't think we would have slowed down and frankly his personal life probably would have been better off.

Bottom line is Rick screwed us. He left unexpectedly and there weren't enough available super coaches available so we got stuck with TLT. And we scrambled in 2008-2010 and came up with a 'serviceable' Calipari who now is outdated. Meanwhile Duke has run off 3-4 titles since then.


  • #29

Butterfly effect. He'd have probably been a bust at UK.

  • #35

No, we would be on double triple probation and he would be Coaching at Oklahoma State. Some of those titles never happen and others get vacated. We are a public institution and can't hide the money men like Duke can. How many players has he had that clearly should have cause wins and titles to be vacated? You really think UK gets away with any of that? I'd take Pitino over him all day long and twice on Tuesday.


  • #36

No F-ing way! To think of all the great UK teams I have loved that would be erased not to mention the great kids who have come through the program. To replace them with guys like the tripper and the stomper. The rat put in over 4 decades and so yes he has 5 titles, but he also has 1st round losses to Lehigh and Mercer when he had good teams. I know some will say I would take that for the titles, but we have 4 titles in about that same span. People would lose their shit if we had a 2 seed team and lost to some of the teams he has in the first round. Plus being at UK he probably wouldn't have got half the calls and therefore some of the titles he has gotten. Sure you have those titles, but it is a long year to the next, and stewing on the losses would get old. More importantly, he is a horrible human being. A rat and a cheat.

Never, no thanks! Down with the rat!



  • #38

Obviously I hire K, travel back one more week, hide in the credenza, burst out of the credenza, shoot myself in the head for hiring K , shoot K in the head, frame Duke for it, beat a 35-year-old Rick Pitino within one inch of his life, give him a Very stern warning about a decision he'll be making in 12 years, blow up Boston just in case, escape to 2000, ride off into the sunset with Kate Hudson.

I mean, what else could a guy do?

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Can I Get Cash Back at Stop and Go Toledo
