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And Hes Back at It Again




In add-on to the uses shown below, dorsum is too used in phrasal verbs such every bit `appointment back' and `fall back on'.
Delight wait at category 17 to come across if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.

1 adv If yous move back , you move in the opposite direction to the one in which y'all are facing or in which you were moving before.
ADV after v, oft ADV prep
The photographers drew dorsum to let usa view the torso..., She stepped back from the door expectantly..., He pushed her away and she fell back on the wooden bench...

ii adv If you get dorsum somewhere, you return to where you were before.
ADV after five, exist ADV, oft ADV prep/adv
I went dorsum to bed..., I'm due back in London by late afternoon..., Smith changed his mind and moved back domicile..., I'll be back equally soon every bit I can..., He made a circular-trip to the concluding and back.

3 adv If someone or something is back in a particular state, they were in that country before and are at present in information technology again.
ADV after v, exist ADV, often ADV prep
The rail visitor said information technology expected services to get slowly back to normal..., Denise hopes to exist back at work past the time her daughter is one...

4 adv If you lot give or put something back , you return it to the person who had information technology or to the identify where it was before you took it. If you get or take something back , you then have information technology once more after not having information technology for a while.
ADV later v, oft ADV prep
She handed the knife back..., Put it back in the freezer..., You'll get your coin back.

5 adv If you put a clock or watch back , you modify the time shown on it so that information technology shows an earlier time, for instance when the time changes to winter time or standard fourth dimension.
ADV after v

six adv If you write or call back , you lot write to or telephone someone subsequently they have written to or telephoned you. If you wait back at someone, you wait at them after they have started looking at you.
ADV after v, oftentimes ADV prep
They wrote dorsum to me and they told me that I didn't accept to do information technology..., If the phone rings say you'll call up later dinner..., Lee looked at Theodora. She stared back.

7 adv You tin say that you get or come up back to a particular signal in a chat to bear witness that you are mentioning or discussing information technology again.
ADV afterward 5, ADV to n
Can I come dorsum to the question of policing in one case once more?..., Going dorsum to the school, how many staff are there?

8 adv If something is or comes dorsum , information technology is fashionable again after it has been unfashionable for some time.
ADV after v, be ADV, oft ADV prep
Short skirts are back..., Consensus politics could easily come back into way.

9 adv If someone or something is kept or situated dorsum from a place, they are at a altitude away from information technology.
ADV subsequently v, be ADV, oft ADV from northward
Keep back from the edge of the platform..., I'chiliad a few miles dorsum from the edge..., He started for Dot's bedroom and Myrtle held him back.

ten adv If something is held or tied back , it is held or tied so that it does not hang loosely over something.
ADV afterwards 5
The defunction were held back by tassels.

11 adv If you lie or sit back , you move your trunk backwards into a relaxed sloping or flat position, with your caput and trunk resting on something.
ADV afterward v (Antonym: forrad) She lay back and stared at the ceiling..., She leaned back in her chair and smiled.

12 adv If you lot look or shout back at someone or something, you turn to look or shout at them when they are behind you.
ADV afterward 5, frequently ADV prep
Nick looked back over his shoulder and so stopped, frowning..., He chosen back to her.

thirteen adv You use back in expressions similar back in London or back at the house when you are giving an account, to bear witness that yous are going to start talking about what happened or was happening in the place you lot mention.
ADV with five, ADV prep
Meanwhile, back in London, Palace Pictures was collapsing..., Later, back at domicile, the telephone rang.

14 adv If you lot talk about something that happened dorsum in the past or several years dorsum , yous are emphasizing that it happened quite a long time ago.
ADV with v, ADV prep, n ADV (accent) The story starts dorsum in 1950, when I was five..., He contributed £50m to the projection a few years back.

15 adv If you think back to something that happened in the past, you remember information technology or attempt to remember it.
ADV subsequently 5, ADV to northward
I thought back to the time in 1975 when my son was desperately ill...

16 If someone moves back and along, they repeatedly move in 1 direction and then in the contrary direction.
dorsum and along phrase PHR after v
He paced back and forth...

to cast your mind back

Translation English Cobuild Collins Lexicon

Collaborative Dictionary     English Cobuild

lay dorsum


adopt a detached attitude; relax

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to the moon and dorsum


a lot; very much; in a peachy quantity; incessantly

[Fig.] E.g. love someone to the moon and back=love someone very much

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You can say that again!


expression used to show full understanding on smth.

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put a pin in it


phrase people say to suggest coming back to a subject and discussing it later. It might audio similar an excuse to avoid a topic merely can also be said completely honestly and sincerely

Ex.: This point raised past Aurélien is relevant and enthralling but nosotros're out of time right now. Allow's put a pin in it!

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information technology is what information technology is


means "that'due south just the fashion information technology is"

c'est comme ça, point barre

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it has a ring to it


it sounds interesting or bonny

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information technology hit me


it occurred to me, I all of a sudden idea of it, I had an idea all of a sudden

Due east.chiliad: I wondered all twenty-four hours long how to solve this problem and it suddenly hit me...I had to talk to Marry.

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green IT


new tendency in computing to take into account the environmental aspect when designing IT systems.

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upwards for it


"to be up for information technology" means to exist willing to participate

she's really up for it: elle est partante

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it's got bits in it


ways a liquid is not articulate: this tea's got bits in it, I don't like yogurt with bits in it

assez proche de l'idée de 'il y a à boire et à manger'

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I can't take it


I can't understand it, I tin't believe it, I tin can't accept it

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tramp stamp


(colloquially) tattoo on the lower dorsum

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damn it!

Rats! I volition be late to the meeting.

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kick it


hang out

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lose it


go crazy; get angry; lose self-command

E.g.: I will lose it if we go on listening to this song.

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call information technology even


consider that ii parties don't owe anything to each other

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play it rubber


avoid or at least minimize risks ; cull the safest way in case of doubtfulness

to be on the safe side ; play safe

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call information technology a day


declare that you're done with piece of work or other activeness, and that you desire to become out or residual or get to bed


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give it a shot


brand an attempt, attempt, make an effort

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